
Imaginary Friend- MapleTea Part 4

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Nervously pacing back and forth in his dorm room, Arthur glanced at the clock he had mounted on the cinder block wall. Damn. It was still far too early for him to go. He wished time would hurry, he was so eager and nervous. That emotion was getting the better of him. In fact, he had already snapped at Francis more than once. Alright, perhaps that wasn’t so unusual but generally snapping at Alfred was. Part of him felt bad, the other was angry, because here he was in Arthur’s room, trying to get him to reconsider his plans. Which were taking Mattie out for their first date.

It seemed that he was after one last try at getting him to cancel on Matthew. Alfred started in on Arthur with about ten minutes to spare.

“OK. Arthur. This is just nuts! You can’t go out with my brother!” Alfred nearly whined, sprawling out in a desk chair. Arthur glared at him and pointed a menacing finger at his way.

“Give me one decent, valid reason I shouldn’t. Other then you are completely opposed to the idea.” Arthur snapped back. This madness had to be stopped. Alfred was acting increasingly immature as the days went on. At one point, he had threatened to stop being friends with Arthur all together. That had particularly hurt Arthur but he wasn’t going to back down. Matthew wanted this and so did Arthur.

To his amusement, Alfred just opened his mouth and shut it, like he had something to say but didn’t. That left Arthur with a very smug grin on his face as he grabbed his jacket. Nearly time, he’d leave a few minutes early. Just to get away from his two annoying friends.  On cue, Francis just had to chime in with his two cents that Arthur really could have done without.

“Now, now, Brows. Do not be mad with ‘im. ‘e is just playing ‘is part as concerned brother. Oui, now listen to moi.” Francis said happily. Easing himself off the bed he was laying on, Francis then sauntered over to Alfred. The Frenchman practically draped himself onto the boy and cupped the sides of his face with his hands. Their eye’s locked onto each other but Francis continued to speak to Arthur. “When you go to kiss ‘im—“

Arthur let out a snort of laughter, “You are giving me kissing advice? That’s rich coming considering you don’t even believe the boy exists!” Arthur said forcefully, speaking of Matthew as if he was one of his beloved magical creatures. Never taking his eyes off of Alfred, who was staring up at the Frenchman with an odd lust—the two had been wickedly romantic with each other since Alfred’s split with Mathias—Francis continued, ignoring Arthur.

“Draw your lover toward you,” He instructed, placing his forehead gently against Alfred. “Take a deep breath, be sure to breath zhem in as you do.” He said quietly. He took a deep breath, Alfred automatically mimicked the action. The faint smile on both their faces told Arthur they were enjoying it. Francis moved close, placing his lips just to the side of Alfred’s. “Do not go into zhe kiss directly. Tease zhem a little, mon ami.” Francis kissed the side of Alfred’s mouth. Pulling his lips with his teeth.  To Arthur, it looked like Francis was trying to eat Alfred’s face. How anyone found that sensually pleasing was beyond him. He turned to leave, time being more than close enough now, but he was stopped.

“Wait! Iggs! I don’t want ya kissing on my bro, but this is the best part! Watch what Francis can do!” Alfred called after him. Half appalled, half curious, Arthur turned around despite his better judgment. He knew he shouldn’t have the moment he saw them. Francis was practically about to suck the live out of Alfred, at least that was how it appeared. Francis took a deep breath and placed his lips directly above Alfred’s. He smiled against the boy.

“When zhey cannot take it anymore, zhat is when you kiss zhem.” He whispered. Just as his lips closed around Alfred’s, it appeared the American was sent into a moment of supreme ecstasy. He shifted underneath Francis, reaching up only to pull him closer.  There were smiles plastered on both of their faces. Well, from what Arthur could see of their mouths. It was hard to tell.

After a few moments of uncomfortable watching, Arthur coughed into his fist. “Well. If you excuse me, I need to go pick up Mattie.” He said. Nothing, not a single acknowledgement. The two didn’t even break for air. “For our date.” He tried to get something out of his glued friends. Still nothing. When he saw Francis got o reach beyond Alfred’s belt, that’s when he knew it was time to go.

With a snap, the door closed behind him. He shuddered, now he felt as if he needed another shower. Despite having one just an hour ago.

Knocking lightly at the door, Arthur was amused to hear a mildly surprised squeak and the scraping of a desk chair. Moments later, he was greeted by a smiling kind face.

“Arthur!” Matthew thrilled, grabbing his jacket from beside the door and shutting it quickly behind him. “You’re early but I’m glad! I’m happy to you, oh, you look good without your uniform!” Matthew blushed. “I-I mean, in regular clothes! I like your sweater vest! It’s a nice green. I-I—“ He stammered. Arthur smiled at him. Apparently, he reverted to babbling like his brother when nervous.  The British gentleman reached over and pulled him into a swift kiss on the cheek, shutting him up and making him go red.

“Relax, Mattie. No need to be nervous, it’s just a date.” Arthur said quietly, wishing he would listen to his own words. Currently, the butterflies in his own stomach were threatening to carry him away. Instead, he grabbed the boys hand and started walking down the hall. “You look good as well. Come on, love, we are going to miss our bus.” Arthur said, tugging him along gently.

As they were well into first semester, that also meant they were well into fall. Stepping outside, the cool, crisp air caught their breaths for a moment. Not a word was said between the two as they walked to the bus stop, though Arthur never let go of Matthew’s hand, keeping it locked in his. At one point, Matthew was frustrated with one unruly hair curl he had. It kept blowing into his face and Matthew was trying his best to get it to stay away. By the time they reached the bus stop, the boy had given up and Arthur smiled at the embarrassed red twinge that came to his cheeks.

Not long after, the bus arrived. True, Arthur could have driven his car but the place that he was taking Matthew wasn’t far.  Besides, at this time of night, the bus was quiet and almost cozy. Arthur stepped on first, but only to ensure Matthew didn’t pay his own fare. The bus driver, a young, peppy blond headed girl who had taken a liking to Arthur, greeted him with a smile and a small wink upon noticing Matthew. The pair blushed and after depositing the fare, quickly made their way back to some seats.

It didn’t take long for Arthur to realize Matthew was very quiet. And nervous. He was a little fidgety in his seat. Just how many dates had he been on? Arthur mused. This couldn’t be his first one, surely not. He never appeared this nervous in the library. With that thought, Arthur smiled and leaned over to whisper in his ear.

“Don’t worry, you know I don’t bite. Promise.”

A few stops later, Arthur was leading Matthew off the bus. They stood outside of a small English pub. It was a quaint spot, Arthur thought it looked homey. Well, that was because it reminded him of home, the owners especially. Matthew gave it a glance and beamed, nodding in approval.

No sooner had they entered, Arthur was greeted with a squeal of delight and then drawn into a very tight hug.  It lasted several seconds, to the point where he thought his lungs might pop, before he was released.

“Arthur! Dear, you need to come by more often! We miss you!” A woman with a thicker accent than Arthur’s thrilled. She was on in years but her eyes had a youthful spirit. One Arthur adored, he smiled back at her pleasantly.

“Hello, Emily! I trust you’ve been well in the past week since my last visit? And Bernard as well?” Arthur asked, nodding to the bar keep, her husband and fellow pub owner, who was busily filling drink orders. He nodded back with a small grin. Grabbing him by the hand, Emily smiled broadly.

“We’ve been fine, thank you! Alright, let’s get you dearies a table.” She began pulling Arthur along, he in turn grabbing Matthew’s hand. Emily looked back and smiled. “Alfie, are you trying a new hairstyle? It’s nice, dear, but it’s not you.” She said. Before either of them knew it, they were plopped down at a table. Arthur let out a small chuckle.

“This isn’t Alfred. Emily, please meet Matthew Williams. Mattie, this is Emily Brickle.” He introduced the two. The woman’s eye’s grew large and as if possible, her smile did too. Matthew soon found himself drawn into a tight hug like Arthur had. His eye’s grew wide but he only received a kind gaze from Arthur.

“Oh sweetheart! I’m sorry! Let’s get a good look at you, what.” She said, pushing him away from her but keeping her hands on his shoulders. After a couple of scrutinizing glances up and down, she scoffed. “You are much too this and pale! Although I could say the same for Arthur here. What do they feed you up at that school? Well, never you worry, I’ll fix you up in no time I will.” She said happily. She let him sit back down and snatched the menus from in front of them. Arthur smiled.

“But, Emily, he’s never been here before. How will he know what to order?” He quipped. She scoffed again and headed off towards the kitchens.

“Now, dear, when have I ever steered you wrong? Don’t worry, I have you both covered. Oh, and did you drive here, Arthur or take the bus as usual?” She asked, turning around just for a moment. Arthur gave her a wink.

“Bus as usual, Em.” The peppy owner winked in return and disappeared into the kitchen to converse with the chef.

Arthur and Matthew were left alone at the table for that time. For a few moments, Matthew fidgeted before looking at Arthur. He opened his mouth as if to say something but quickly closed it. Arthur let out a small laugh.

“Yes, I come here quite after. It reminds me of home in England. The pub owners are dear friends now.” He answered Matthew’s unanswered question. And then he added shyly, “And yes, I have told them about you. They are excited to meet you. As you undoubtedly saw.”

Matthew nodded, “I’m glad you brought me here.” He looked up and smiled. Arthur felt his heart relax and smiled back. This evening was going very well, Arthur thought.

It wasn’t long before Emily was back with two steaming plates of hearty food. In front of Matthew, she placed some Sheppard’s pie, which was one of Arthur’s personal favorites. Next to of course, bangers and mash, which was dutifully placed before him. The woman also placed two frosty mugs full of amber liquid in front of each of them. She gave Arthur a playful wink.

“everything is on the house tonight, dear! It’s been such a long time since I’ve seen that smile on your face.” She said happily, moving away. Arthur wanted to protest but she waved her hand, not wanting to hear it. Sighing but unable to hide the smile she yearned for, he grabbed the glass and held it up to Matthew. The shy boy quickly got it and did the same.

“Cheers, Mattie.” Arthur said, clinking the glass against his and following it with a sip of the cool beverage.

After that, they sat and ate. Matthew apparently had never had Sheppard’s pie before and Arthur laughed, watching him poke the thick layer of mash potatoes wearily. Those lovely purple eyes were full of trepidation and Arthur urged him to just give it a try. He did and his eyes lit up with surprise, which Arthur found rather amusing.  Then Matthew proceeded to dig in, while still having better table manners than Alfred could ever hope to posses.

As they ate, Arthur began to notice little things he loved about Matthew. His eyes were a very lovely shade of purple and while Arthur had noticed them before, tonight they seemed to be deeper. A more shocking dept and warmth to them.  Arthur was entranced. There was also his quiet, not obnoxious like his brother’s, laugh. Arthur wanted to tell him something funny, just so he could hear it. And he did, several times. There was also the constant blush Matthew seemed to have, and that one curl he had, and his kind smile.

Before he knew it, Arthur was reaching across the table for Matthew’s hand, after they had finished eating. Normally, he shied away from public displays of affection but for some reason, he wanted to hold Matthew’s hand. The blush on the Canadian’s cheek’s got deeper and he shyly reached out, lacing his fingers in-between his. Giving them a gentle squeeze, Arthur then looked up and gave him a warm smile.

Moments later, Emily showed back up at the table with dessert’s and Arthur half expected Matthew to break the hand hold but he did not. And neither did Arthur. Emily gave him a wink and then an encouraging pat on the back.

The two ate their dessert happily, Matthew very much enjoying his and then confessing to have a rabid sweet tooth that rivaled his brothers. Arthur thought it was cute and promised to bake something for him, although regrettably he would need Francis’ help. The look on Matthew’s face made that effort more than worth it.

After thanking Emily and Bernard, and insisting they take some money for the meal, Arthur and Matthew made their way back to the bus stop. They were quiet but both of them had small smiles and Matthew reached out to grab Arthur’s hand. This was new for Arthur, Gil’s idea of PDA was to mildly grope him in front of everyone and shout out that he was his awesome boyfriend. Compared to this quiet, gently approach, Arthur didn’t miss it at all.

When the bus arrived, they were greeted by the same driver. She smiled broadly at them and this time when Arthur deposited the fare, he gave her a small wink. The bus driver laughed a little and nodded. The two made their way back to the same seats they had occupied before, still holding hands.

As they rode back, Matthew suddenly leaned over and rested his head on Arthur’s shoulder. He snuggled down closer to him and smiled.

“I had a really good time, we should go there again.” He said softly. As soon as Matthew said that, it felt like Arthur’s heart exploded in his chest.  He tried not to puff up with excitement and nodded.

“We can do that, I’d be more than happy to.” Arthur said, trying to keep his voice even but it went a pitch higher then he intended. Matthew just let out a small chuckle and snuggled even closer.

A short while later, they were at the dorms, Arthur having walked Matthew to his at the end of the hall. Something odd came over Arthur. Maybe he was just caught up in the night, or charged that Matthew had had a good time. But Arthur cupped Matthew’s face into his hands and decided to listen to Francis for once. Must have been the full moon driving him temporarily insane.

But to his surprise, when he drew the deep breath, Matthew did the same and seemed to shiver slightly in his arms. Then he was even more surprised when Matthew took the next step, kissing the sides of Arthur’s mouth and pulling at his lip. Arthur shifted with it.  Wait…wasn’t he the one that was supposed to be making Matthew pine?

Arthur shook his head lightly and then pulled Matthew in for the kiss.

To his credit, Francis seemed to know what he was talking about. Matthew practically melted into him and he himself saw fireworks it seemed. He really hated to be stereotypical about it but kissing Matthew was far better than kissing anyone he’d ever had before. Including the kissing tutor himself. He blushed and pressed harder against the Canadian.

After a few moments, they broke apart and Matthew gave Arthur a huge grin. Then he slipped silently back into his dorm room without a word. All Arthur could do was stare at the door, trying to will Matthew to come back out to kiss him again. When it became apparent that he wasn’t, Arthur smiled and turned to head to his dorm.

Just as he was about to enter, he was stopped by a voice across the hall.

“Well, I may not like my best friend dating my bro, but…that was the biggest smile I’ve seen from him in a long while…” A long pause. “Thank you.” Alfred said before closing the door with a snap.

Arthur couldn’t hide his smirk properly as he entered his own and Francis, who was smoking again—half dressed—asked how his night went. After telling Francis to “sod off”, Arthur climbed into bed.

Well, he supposed that made two victories this evening.
Still for :iconkm6: I'm so late with this but my Fall was absolute hell. I'm back now! ^^ 

You know what I like about writing these two together? They are so adorable and shy. So awkward and just precious. This chapter was fun in a cute way. The next will be fun for an entirely different reason. :evillaugh: 
The Brickle's are mine. Cute little couple running a pub. I imagine Bernard as a stern but very kind man. A man of few words. 

Next chapter will be fun too. ^^ Only two more to go before this one is done. 
© 2014 - 2024 MaplePucks
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TadaKari's avatar
this was completely worth the wait, hun, and you're right. Arthur and Matthew are absolutely adorable and one of the only yaoi couples I ship. :) can't wait for the next chapter!